July 23, 2016

Maestral, cool summer breeze

We do live on the island and know most things that could be of any sort of interest for an average tourist, but I'm here asking myself, how to write something new, something fresh!?

Maestral blogKnowledge is something that you don't get only from the books, guides... the internet if you will.

The freshest thing I can think about in these hot days is the Maestral wind.

In the Adriatic, it starts from the Trieste gulf and gets strongest at the Otrant door on the other side, at the actual exit from the Adriatic Sea.

On Croatian islands and therefore by the coasts of Korcula Island as well as the coast of Croatia it is the wind that blows from the directions NW to the WNW. It is strongest around 14.00 and ends at the beging of the sunset at 18.00 in the afternoon.

Without it, its coolness and the refreshing factor, the hot summer days would be unbearable.

So, would it be too much to say: Thank you Maestral for making it feel so great, even for us who don't like to dip that much and love the shade, the book, the drink... and your cool breeze?!

Enjoy your summer of 2016.!

Posted by Davor